Your Goodbye – Your Story (A Time to Talk)

Each new year people feel compelled to make resolutions they hope will improve their lives and wellbeing. They usually take form of measurable goals, such as losing a certain amount of weight, taking up a new hobby, or quitting a long-held vice. It’s much harder to make a resolution to talk more openly about a... Read more

Grief and Valentine’s Day

Special days often trigger powerful emotions and memories regardless of how much time has passed since the loss of a loved one. A holiday reaction or anniversary response can occur because you associate a date on the calendar or the event itself with someone significant. For anyone mourning a loss, Valentine’s Day can feel particularly... Read more

Teenage Grief

An adolescent’s grief can be impacted by any number of things including but not limited to, their unique relationship with the individual, how the individual passed away, their support system, past experiences with loss and their own unique strengths and weaknesses when it comes to dealing with stress, adversity, and high emotion. Developmentally, adolescents are... Read more

Emotional Support after Loss in Early Pregnancy: A Guide

Losing a baby is heart breaking no matter when it happens. A miscarriage is a devastating loss for the mother, their partner, and their family. The tragedy of a miscarriage has traditionally been private, an event grieved largely by the mother, on her own. However in more recent times, fathers are much more connected to... Read more

Stepping Into the New Year

If you have lost a loved one, starting the New Year without them can be challenging. No matter how we move into the New Year, we carry with us remnants of the past year, it’s a painful reminder of the loved one who isn’t here to enter a new year with you. Grief has no... Read more